
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday, July 14, 2016

News and Views

Clinton, Sanders and Trump – Clinton’s polls slipping – Sanders for VP?

Still feeling the Bern: Two-thirds of Democratic voters want Clinton to pick Sanders as VP
By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times
Monday, June 13, 2016

In the past 48 hours, multiple press reports say that Sen. Bernie Sanders has refused to concede the Democratic presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton. The Vermont independent insists he still intends to shake up the Democratic national convention next month, and that he remains on a mission to defeat Republican presumptive Republican [sic] nominee Donald Trump.

Mr. Sanders and Mrs. Clinton will meet Tuesday in the nation’s capital; little is known about the agenda, though Mr. Sanders told NBC News that he wants to get a clear idea about his rival’s platform.

His fans have not deserted him even as their hopes for his election ebb. They don’t want to see him left by the wayside, and a sizable number prefer he make a bid for president as an independent or third-party candidate.

“More than three-quarters of Democrats say Sanders should have a major role in shaping the party’s positions, while nearly two-thirds say Hillary Clinton — who beat him for the nomination — should pick him as her vice-presidential running mate,” states a new Reuters/Ipsos poll of Democratic voters.

“In a sign that Democrats hope their party can unite after a fierce primary season, two-thirds also said that Sanders should endorse Clinton,” the findings noted. “While most Democrats want Sanders to line up behind Clinton, about 44 percent would like him to make an independent run for the White House. Some 47 percent said he should not.”

July 14, with Clinton falling behind Trump in the polls, I do want the DNC to put Sanders in as Vice President. His following is significant, and I believe will make the difference between a Democratic win or loss. See the accompanying articles for Sanders’ comments and today’s poll results.

Bernie Sanders Urges His Supporters to Vote for Hillary Clinton and Dodges Questions About Potential Vice Presidency
07/13/2016 AT 10:55 AM EDT

Related Video: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump: Flashback Moments, 1979 - 1992

"It is absolutely imperative for the future of this country that Donald Trump not be elected President of the United States."

That's what Bernie Sanders had to say about the upcoming presidential election, when appearing on Good Morning America Wednesday – a day after officially endorsing former presidential rival Hillary Clinton during a joint appearance at a campaign event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

"At a time when this country has enormous crises, we do not and cannot have a man with Trump's temperament with the nuclear code running this country," the 74-year-old Vermont Senator declared, responding to his supporters who felt as that he had abandoned them by supporting Clinton.

When asked if he was open to being Clinton's running mate, Sanders explained, "That issue has not been raised yet, and I doubt that that will happen."

"Right now, what my job is to do is to make sure that Hillary Clinton is elected president, that we defeat trump, that we come up with a list of needs and an agenda that speaks to the needs of working families," he added.

Sanders also denied the claim that his endorsement was about what GMA's George Stephanopoulos called "the lesser of two evils."

"This is not a beauty contest between Trump and Hillary Clinton," he added. "This is the fact that the middle class of this country is in trouble. Which candidate has more to say about education? More to say about health care? More to say about climate change? More to say about income and wealth and inequality? More to say about a sensible foreign policy?"

"I think the more the people hear the contrast between the two, I think Secretary Clinton's support will grow," Sanders continued.

He urged Clinton to get around the country and make this case that she's the stronger candidate for the American middle class and working families. "When we start focusing on the real issues facing this country, the answer is going to be very clear," he said.

Comparing the two, Sanders went issue by issue. He talked about Clinton's desire to raise the minimum wage, expand health care and make public colleges and universities tuition free for some families – while pointing out Trump's desire to allow states to have the right to do away with the minimum wage and to end the affordable care act and throw 20 million people off health insurance.

"Trump does not even believe what the entire scientific community is telling us about climate change and the need to transform our energy sources," he said.

Sanders also commented on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's recent comments to CNN and New York Times, in which the 83-year-old Supreme Court Justice called Trump a "faker" and claimed that if he won the White House, her late husband would have said "Now it's time for us to move to New Zealand."

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot - resign!
12:54 AM - 13 Jul 2016
10,700 10,700 Retweets 31,511 31,511 likes

While Trump told The Times that "it is highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court Judge gets involved in a political campaign" and tweeted that she should resign, Sanders supported Ginsburg.

"I agree with what Ginsburg said," Sanders stated. "I that that Trump is a total opportunist. I do not believe anything that comes out of his mouth. I think the record is quite clear that he lies just a whole lot of the time. And I think we need a president right now who is prepared to be consistent, to stand up for working families and to protect our children."

2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Currently tracking 581 polls from 34 pollsters
Updated July 14, 2016 34 minutes ago
Election on November 8, 2016

This chart combines the latest opinion polls into trendlines using a poll-tracking model and is updated whenever a new poll is released.

HuffPost Model
Our model of the polls suggests Clinton is very likely leading. (In >99% of simulations, Clinton led Trump.)




CBS/Times NEW!
Jul 8 – Jul 12
1,358 Registered Voters
40 40 15 4 Clinton +0

YouGov/Economist NEW!
Jul 9 – Jul 11
1,049 Registered Voters 40 37 13 11 Clinton +3
428 Registered Voters - Democrat 81 6 7 6 Clinton +75
270 Registered Voters - Republican 2 81 11 5 Trump +79
351 Registered Voters - independent 30 32 18 20 Trump +2

Jul 4 – Jul 10
7,869 Registered Voters
47 44 10 Clinton +3

Morning Consult
Jul 8 – Jul 10
2,001 Registered Voters 42 41 18 Clinton +1
730 Registered Voters - Democrat 80 11 9 Clinton +69
613 Registered Voters - Republican 9 79 12 Trump +70
658 Registered Voters - independent 31 38 32 Trump +7

McClatchy/Marist NEW!
Jul 5 – Jul 9
1,053 Registered Voters
42 39 Clinton +3

Raba Research
Jul 7 – Jul 9
781 Likely Voters
41 29 18 11 Clinton +12

Jul 2 – Jul 6
1,345 Registered Voters 44 33 11 12 Clinton +11
Registered Voters - Democrat 78 6 6 10 Clinton +72
Registered Voters - Republican 11 70 9 10 Trump +59
Registered Voters - independent 24 24 23 29 Clinton +0
Jul 5 – Jul 5
1,000 Likely Voters
40 42 5 13 Trump +2

Morning Consult
Jun 30 – Jul 4
2,001 Registered Voters 41 40 19 Clinton +1
750 Registered Voters - Democrat 75 13 12 Clinton +62
619 Registered Voters - Republican 10 79 11 Trump +69
632 Registered Voters - independent 32 33 35 Trump +1

Jul 2 – Jul 4
1,004 Registered Voters 42 37 11 11 Clinton +5
392 Registered Voters - Democrat 77 11 7 5 Clinton +66
283 Registered Voters - Republican 6 77 11 6 Trump +71
329 Registered Voters - independent 34 32 15 18 Clinton +2

Excerpt -- Times -- “More than three-quarters of Democrats say Sanders should have a major role in shaping the party’s positions, while nearly two-thirds say Hillary Clinton — who beat him for the nomination — should pick him as her vice-presidential running mate,” states a new Reuters/Ipsos poll of Democratic voters.”

Excerpt – People -- "At a time when this country has enormous crises, we do not and cannot have a man with Trump's temperament with the nuclear code running this country," the 74-year-old Vermont Senator declared, responding to his supporters who felt as that he had abandoned them by supporting Clinton. When asked if he was open to being Clinton's running mate, Sanders explained, "That issue has not been raised yet, and I doubt that that will happen." …. "Right now, what my job is to do is to make sure that Hillary Clinton is elected president, that we defeat trump, that we come up with a list of needs and an agenda that speaks to the needs of working families," he added. "This is not a beauty contest between Trump and Hillary Clinton," he added. "This is the fact that the middle class of this country is in trouble. Which candidate has more to say about education? More to say about health care? More to say about climate change? More to say about income and wealth and inequality? More to say about a sensible foreign policy?" "I think the more the people hear the contrast between the two, I think Secretary Clinton's support will grow," Sanders continued. …. "I agree with what Ginsburg said," Sanders stated. "I that that Trump is a total opportunist. I do not believe anything that comes out of his mouth. I think the record is quite clear that he lies just a whole lot of the time. And I think we need a president right now who is prepared to be consistent, to stand up for working families and to protect our children."

Excerpt -- HuffPost Model

Our model of the polls suggests Clinton is very likely leading. (In >99% of simulations, Clinton led Trump.)

CBS/Times NEW!
Jul 8 – Jul 12
1,358 Registered Voters
40 40 15 4 Clinton +0

Reuters/Ipsos poll of Democratic voters states that ¾ of all polled Dems want Sanders to have “a major role” in shaping the party’s policies, and 2/3 want him to be her VP. Sanders said in the article above that he doesn’t think his becoming VP is likely to happen. Is that because she won’t ask or he won’t say yes? There has been a lot of bad blood between them over her desire to stick with the moneyed interests and his to really change the trend of the DNC and our nation. It has been a hard fight. I do hope they will make it up between them, because if the DEMS will go back to being a primarily “democratic” political party as we have been until the Civil Rights Movement infuriated the Dixiecrats, and then the Free Market trend took over the scene.

The Dems seem to me to be willfully misinterpreting the nature of this conflict between the candidates. It isn’t just because Sanders is very clever, strong, highly principled, highly articulate, new to the spotlight and dependably honest. Because he is honest she can trust him not to split the party before the election. This is no temporary infatuation. It’s love.

He favors the things that Hillary is pulling away from, as she continues along the conservative influence of Wall Street and the Koch Brothers. Those things that Sanders promises to champion are desperately needed by the poor and most of the Middle Class. They have lost jobs, houses, healthcare, can’t afford college tuition, good mental health care, even food, and besides, they “don’t get no respect!” Not only are they angry now, but they have been for years. A shocking number of them have gone over to The Dark Side when they decided that the Democrats simply aren’t to be trusted, and are following Trump. Why in heaven’s name they think he will help them, I don’t know.

CBS, in this morning’s TV report, stated that Trump is not only catching up, he is actually in a tie with her at this time, with 40% for each. See the Huffington Post poll tracker below for a somewhat more hopeful view, and for the pattern over the last month. Their method is to combine multiple polls of each given time period (four days or so), make numerous predictions over time and combine the results via a prediction program. Go to the website and look at their chart and results. It’s very interesting.

It reminds me of the hurricane predictors that all modern weather stations use now. When you put the updated data in day after day and repeatedly run the program to generate numerous possible tracks, the results begin to differ in ways that reflect the operation of a number of factors with the result that a dominant trend among the highly variable answers emerges, usually with the hurricane blowing up and hitting the Outer Banks of NC again. The method does do a much more accurate prediction on hurricanes than we had even 15 years ago. The weather station (or more likely NOAA) then creates a “cone” image on the weather map from all the different ones, and the REAL path of the storm should be somewhere within it. Anyone who lives on the coast anywhere within the cone should at least do simple preparations such as groceries and water; or, if they find themselves in the center, leave their house if it’s near the ocean.

In this case of predicting voters, of course, the poll predictor is tracking the daily changes in preference trends at a given time. Huffington’s chart shows the movement and a rough trend. When election day comes around, the actual number of voters who do show up and vote for Clinton should fall within the range of the many predictions. Huffington Post is usually on top of the issues and correct in their facts, and they don’t get their stories from a pre-chewed, pre-written video and often falsified interview disc sent to them directly from the Trump or the Clinton headquarters, sculpted in the way that will best present their own case. I present their latest results above. For the graphics, go to the website itself.

Just in case Trump is actually overtaking Hillary, I want her to immediately ask Sanders to be her VP, because many of those disgruntled ex-Clinton supporters have taken a vow to boycott the election or (aaarrrgh!) actually vote for Trump. The DNC needs to take a close and honest look at their recent coup to assure Clinton the nomination. Fait accomplish, though it may be, it could possibly be one of those cases of winning the battle, but losing the war. Pride goeth before a fall, as they say.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg apologizes for anti-Trump comments
July 14, 2016, 10:37 AM

Play VIDEO -- Trump takes offense at Ginsburg comments

After lobbing several disapproving comments at Donald Trump over the course of the past week, Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Thursday that she regretted weighing in on the 2016 election.

"On reflection, my recent remarks in response to press inquiries were ill-advised and I regret making them," the Supreme Court Justice said in a statement.

She added: "Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. In the future I will be more circumspect."

During three separate interviews with the press this past week, Ginsburg called the presumptive GOP nominee a "faker," chastised his refusal to release his tax returns, and publicly said she couldn't "imagine" what the U.S. would be like with Trump in the Oval Office.

The remarks drew criticism from all sides of the ideological spectrum, including from Trump himself, who tweeted out Wednesday that Ginsburg's "mind is shot" and urged the 83-year-old to resign.

Both the Washington Post and the New York Times chimed in with their own denunciations of Ginsburg's comments earlier this week.

The Post's editorial board said Ginsburg's sentiments were "much better left unsaid by a member of the Supreme Court."

The Times' editors said Ginsburg needed to "drop the political punditry and the name-calling."

“After lobbing several disapproving comments at Donald Trump over the course of the past week, Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Thursday that she regretted weighing in on the 2016 election. "On reflection, my recent remarks in response to press inquiries were ill-advised and I regret making them," the Supreme Court Justice said in a statement. She added: "Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. In the future I will be more circumspect." …. Trump himself, who tweeted out Wednesday that Ginsburg's "mind is shot" and urged the 83-year-old to resign.”

It isn’t just about silencing dissent, but about the separation of powers. I get that. It must be difficult, though, to be a living and observing part of the human race who is reasonable enough to have fear over the Tea Party/Trump trends, and be unable to say what she believes. Oh, well, she has been chastised and has apologized. I still agree with her. I don’t want to see any attempt to unseat her. Perhaps if she were to step down, however, -- IF THE DEMS WIN IN NOVEMBER – so that she could fight for the Constitution from the front end. She could join a university faculty or a liberal Think Tank creating Model Laws, the way ALEC does now, and writing a book on the law. Her mind is by no means “shot.”

Bodycam Video Shows Police Shooting Of Unarmed 19-Year-Old In Fresno
July 14, 2016 12:02 PM ET

Photograph -- In this image made from a June 25 police body-camera video released by Fresno Police Department, a police officer points a gun at Dylan Noble in Fresno, Calif., Fresno Police Department/AP
ALL TECH CONSIDERED -- Can Cop-Worn Cameras Restore Faith In New Orleans Police?
ALL TECH CONSIDERED -- Piecing Together America's Patchwork Quilt Of Body Cam Laws
AROUND THE NATION -- Videos Make Everyone A Witness To Police Shootings
ALL TECH CONSIDERED -- Police Departments Issuing Body Cameras Discover Drawbacks
ALL TECH CONSIDERED -- Police Departments Issuing Body Cameras Discover Drawbacks

Police in Fresno, Calif., have released video footage of the shooting of an unarmed man last month.

Dylan Noble, a white 19-year-old, was shot and killed by officers at a traffic stop in Fresno on June 25. Police said that they had pulled him over as they were investigating reports of a man walking around with a rifle. They said that Noble had told them he hated his life and reached for his waistband, at which point police shot him.

A woman holds a cellphone up to a police officer as an attempt is made to calm the crowd after an arrest is made following the sniper shooting in Dallas on Thursday.

Witness video published by the Fresno Bee last week showed two shots were fired after Noble was already lying on the ground.

Officers say they believed at the time that Noble was armed. He was only carrying a small plastic container, The Los Angeles Times reports.

The police have now released body camera footage showing the entire traffic stop. The footage shows Noble ignoring several police commands to stand still and keep his hands up. "I f ****** hate my life," he said, with one hand raised and the other behind his back, as he walked towards police.

An officer then shot Noble twice with his handgun. As Noble was lying on the ground, two officers instructed him to keep his hands up. When he moved his arms, the first officer fired again.

"If you reach one more time, you will get shot again. Stop. Dude," a second officer said, before firing a shotgun at Noble.

You can view the full video here, via The Washington Post, with the warning that it contains disturbing content.

Before the release of the bodycam video, Noble's friends told The Fresno Bee that the idea that Noble said he hated his life makes no sense to them.

"The 19-year-old had a new job in construction, was committed to his girlfriend, made friends easily and stuck his neck out for them. He wanted to be a professional DJ, but mostly, he wanted to be a dad," the newspaper reported.

Noble, who was white, was killed more than a week before the police shootings of two black men sparked protests across the country.

His death — and particularly the witness video showing him being shot as he lay on the ground — inspired local vigils, a petition for the release of the bodycam footage and a lawsuit from his family.

The reaction to Noble's death has been controversial. Conservative news outlets and some of Noble's friends have argued that if Noble had been black instead of white the case would have been more widely covered.

A Philadelphia police officer demonstrates a body-worn camera being used as part of a pilot project last December.

Meanwhile, a protest over Noble's death featured a Confederate battle flag and "White Lives Matter" signs, which were criticized as offensive. The Guardian reports that people at that protest say they were misunderstood.

Ezra David Romero, of member station KVPR, reports that Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer says he "will be looking at every single round that was fired" in the incident. Romero reports:

"Dyer says he's mulling over whether the officers had to use deadly force based on a reasonable fear." 'I also believe this video's gonna raise questions in the minds of people just as those questions exist in my mind as well,' " says Dyer.

"The footage comes after cell phone footage was released last week. Dyer says he chose to release the body camera footage before an investigation was complete because of community concern. He says the family saw the video last week.

" 'There has been a great deal of concern in the community and rightfully so,' says Dyer. 'We have an individual that did not have a firearm on his person or in his vehicle ... That is why I made the decision today to release the video.' "

The incident is being investigated internally as well as by the local district attorney, and federal authorities have also agreed to investigate, The Los Angeles Times reports.

The main difference here is that the “perp” is white. The pointless shooting even after the man was lying with two bullets in him. The third was because they kept commanding him through the mic to “keep his hands down,” at a time when he very likely was no longer able to do that due to his waning strength. Finally after he was unable to keep both arms up in the air the in effect executed him.

Police are being taught some very cruel things in lieu of properly “apprehending” a suspect, as we always used to see in those good old TV shows like Dragnet. What a far cry from what appears to be reality that show was. This particular video is extremely discouraging. This man had no “fight” in him whatever, and was, it appeared to me, addled. It really didn’t look like a traffic stop at all. I do hope I’m never stopped by the police. There has been no lab report mentioned or personal details at all. A news article recently said the police now seem to view themselves as “warriors,” and not “peacekeepers.” This video certainly supports that view.

Police investigate death of baby rushed to hospital from Stamford daycare center
July 14, 2016, 8:59 AM

Photograph -- Stamford Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut WFSB-TV
Video -- WFSB 3 Connecticut

STAMFORD, Conn. -- The death of a 2-month-old girl who experienced breathing problems at a Connecticut daycare center was ruled a homicide, CBS Hartford affiliate WFSB-TV reports.

Officials say the baby, identified as Bella Redondo, was rushed to Stamford Hospital after she began experiencing breathing problems at Little Bears Beginnings Daycare on Tuesday afternoon.

Police said the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner performed an autopsy on the child's body on Wednesday. Authorities determined the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head.

"We saw obviously signs of trauma last night," Stamford Police Lt. Diedrich Hohn said. "The baby had major cardiac problems, which was caused by the head trauma."

Police said a medical call was made from the daycare around 3:15 p.m. The baby "stopped breathing and resuscitation efforts were put forth" by the doctors. The "doctors valiantly tried to save Bella, but to no avail," police said. She died at 6:20 p.m.

"At this point, we're investigating it actively," Hohn said. "We're interviewing the people at the daycare, and at this point we're doing everything we can to find out what happened to the baby."

Do watch the news video as it contains significant information. The neighbors were unaware that the house even contained a daycare center. Many housewives around the country do run such small day care groups to make an income, and they aren’t always licensed or supervised well, but they had a reputation around town to uphold. They get their customers largely by word of mouth.

With our active and highly inquisitive Internet connected news community, when the law is brought in, it is publicized immediately. That’s sad for the “good guy” owner who just needs a little privacy, but it’s a very good thing for society. As a precaution against dishonest or in this case dangerous individuals, anyone who procures a service for their home or their family should check the business owner out with the police and on the Internet. Two popular sources for information are discussed here: “, Angie's List Vs. Craigslist, by Scott Cornell, Demand Media.” Cornell states that Angie’s list according to Cornell is definitely superior and safer. As for me, I’ve heard no harm against Angie’s List, but Craig’s list has been the link between perpetrator and victim in the news these last ten or so years at least three times, including rapes and prostitution rings.

Excerpt -- “Though Craigslist receives billions of page views per month, it's open for anyone to use - including spammers, bots and anonymous posters. Angie's List, on the other hand, serves as a professional resource for consumers seeking specific types of services.”

In large cities we live “cheek by jowl” with people who are usually unknown to us, which is a huge change from my youth. I prefer the personal freedom that it affords, but an article many years ago on the subject gave that very thing as a major cause of the higher crime rate. People can commit crimes, sometimes many, and avoid detection. Of course, there’s more to it, such as drugs and joblessness, but a lack of information is the cover for most of the evil in our society today which does continue for a very long time.

Of course, the man who kept to himself in the old days was usually under suspicion when crimes were committed and sometimes unfairly treated as a result (the mentally handicapped such as “Boo Radley” from To Kill a mockingbird, for instance); but now such a person tends to blend in instead and escape notice. Boo Radley looks no different from any of the homeless people wandering our streets. The Son of Sam killer was such a man.

These little businesses used to be commonplace with no one paying much attention when I was young, but in those days the residents of a community were known by name, profession and reputation, that information being sliced and diced to a fine powder almost without exception. Lacking the cloak of anonymity that city dwellers have now tends to persuade many would-be perpetrators that they probably can’t get away with anything. I hope to see another article on this case soon, because when bad things happen to little two month old infants, it hurts me.

Unfortunately, a lot of these child battery cases turn out to be done either by the mother or her live in drug addict boyfriend. Several times the reason the man gave was the “the baby cried,” and another time it was because the child messed up his diaper. There are unfortunately too many such incompetent and dangerous people walking the streets passing as normal, which is the cause of a great deal of our crime.

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