
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

9:13 AM I read half a day yesterday, and then went down to Richard's apartment and watched a couple of things he taped off the TV. It was a documentary about amusement parks, which wasn't too interesting to me. It was mainly lots of footage about roller coasters. The other thing was fun. It was the TV comedy Two And A Half Men, and though I had been interested in the title I had never tuned it in. Most of the sitcoms are on channels I don't get or at hours after I have retired to try to relax for the night, and something that makes me laugh is not relaxing, but exciting and stimulating. I want a quiet documentary about archeology, history, psychology, nature or other thoughtful subject especially if it has some nice background music.

This morning I am going across the river to Ginger's house to meet her and Raquel and go to a restaurant for lunch. This may be my last trip down there in my car. Richard wants to buy my car, and I need to sell it. He is arranging the finances to buy it, and said it would take a couple of weeks. I will have to get used to traveling there by bus. I need to call the city bus route and schedule telephone line to find out which buses to take and when.

Right now I am reading. I will have to get dressed to go about 10:45. Over for now.

4:58 I had a good time today, and ate lots of delicious salad and a couple of muffins. We went to Sweet Tomatoes, my favorite restaurant except for Gene's Seafood. On the way back Raquel told us about a new little cat she has adopted. I asked her if she had given it a rabies shot and she said no. Ginger and I both jumped on her, unfortunately,. She says she can't afford it, but I got on the Internet after I got back here and found half a dozen places in Jacksonville where she can get it vaccinated, and many of them are only $10.00 or $15.00 for a rabies shot. I have copied those onto a word document and called Ginger's home number and left a message for her to give me Raquel's email address, so I can email the document to her.

Enough writing for now. Goodbye.

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