
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2:49 PM I spent most of today trying to get Richard on my car insurance so we can share the use of the car and I can pay my car insurance. I'm trying to avoid having to sell the car and depend totally on the bus system and hoofing it for short distances. GEICO is going to charge about $35.00 more to add him. I need for him to pay me rental to cover the insurance. He was satisfied that he could do it at $56.00 a month, but is not sure about $81.00 a month. He said he will tell me in a couple of days.

The other financial thing I'm trying to arrange is to get Medicaid to pay for my Medicare premiums. The Senior Citizen organization I called today thought that my income and assets are within the range where they should pay. Medicaid sent me a denial and also a letter asking for me to finish my application, both sent within a few days of each other this week, so I hope that means that the denial isn't final. So on the advice of the Senior Citizen worker I am filling out the application page they sent me and sending it in before 8/30/13. If Medicaid won't pay for those premiums I will be short the $104.00 that is currently being deducted from my Social Security payment, so I do hope big time that I am not denied on that. I'm going up to Publix to photocopy the additional application page and the letter they sent me accompanying it, so I can send it MCD tomorrow. Crossing my fingers!

Back to reading.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

1:58 PM I have been reading all morning. I'm still on the Auel book, though I'm getting near the end. I'm wondering how she is going to make a climax and ending to this story, which is not an adventure nor a drama. It is mainly about people in the different cave dwellings and how they survive and form their cultures. It's interest value is in providing an alternative to the reader's daily life and modern society. Maybe the story will just quietly come to a stop.

I have called Linda Mowers. She left me a message on my answering machine. She wants to get together to discuss some things she said the Church may be able to help me with financially. I hate to depend on them, but my present income won't allow me to keep the car too long and the Internet, and she said the Church could maybe pay some of those bills. If I had access to the car they wouldn't need to find rides for me to take me to church. She is coming over this Saturday at 11:30 to take me to lunch, maybe with another woman from the church, so we can talk. Being in this position is embarrassing, but my budget is so tight that I really do need help. The church got involved when I sent them an email resigning due to financial reasons, and Linda called me and told me I don't have to resign. I can come without paying anything, and some people in the church may be willing to give me rides to get there if I have to do without the car. This will help. I should do a budget, though, which I haven't started yet. I need to come to the meeting with Linda knowing how much money I need. While I was working I was making just $300 or $400 a month, but it was enough that with my Social Security I was having no problems. As a result, I didn't really make or keep to a strict budget, and now I don't know how to.
That's a good project for my next few days – write up a budget.
I have called Richard. He wanted to go to Publix this afternoon before 3:00, he said. I'm waiting for him to call me back. I have to go to Publix to make photocopies of some paperwork. 4:13 I just looked at my emails and he emailed me. He said his brother has refused to give him any money toward renting the car. I am now dependent on the Church if I keep the car. Richard also said he has decided not to go to Publix. I think I'll go now.

I went to Publix and got the photocopies. I also got $16.00 worth of groceries, which I needed. Then I stopped at Wendy's on the way home and bought a “double stacker,” in other words a small double cheeseburger. I really like the moisture and flavor of Wendy's hamburgers, and the double stacker only costs $2.13, so I can afford a few of those. So I'm settled for the night. It's 5:12, in other words time to eat and watch the news.

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