
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I spent most of the morning looking up scandal rumors on Obama and Hillary Clinton., specifically about Hillary as a lesbian and Obama as having a drinking problem. All the allegations came from “conservative” blogs or periodicals and I found evidence that both rumors were based on false evidence. Based on writings in the National Enquirer, Clinton was said to be writing a book in which she would “come out” as a lesbian, and Obama's medical report which I read in excerpt included that he should continue to avoid smoking, get daily exercise, drink in moderation, and other general health recommendations. The medical report, from what I read of it, didn't say that he had been drinking too much, and I can't imagine as smart a woman as Hillary Clinton saying that she has had lesbian relationships when she is running for president, so I feel sure that neither is true. The right keeps slinging mud at the Obama administration, but most of it doesn't stick because it isn't true. The IRS examination of right wing organizations which were applying for tax exempt status is the closest thing to a real scandal so far, but even then it has come out that left leaning groups were also denied the status, so it isn't that the Obama administration was out to do harm to political enemies. They were just performing their function as watchdogs. Some people read lots of the politically biased writings and believe what they say. I always want an honest analysis or factual report, even if I'm sorry to get the news, so I don't watch or listen to hate mongers and biased political shows. I think they are a waste of time. Thank goodness for MSNBC, CNN and NPR on the Internet and on TV.

I just looked up the phrase "right wing" on the Net and found a good long article in Wikipedia. The term began in France in the French Revolution. The article is well worth reading, discussing US and world politics in it's various forms up to the present without any bias to either side. I really like Wikipedia. I always find lots of information there.

It's time for supper. The news is on, though the antenna is not bringing it in well. It would be nice to have cable back, but I really can't afford it. Goodbye, World.

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